
happy pride everyone this has always been a big month for me , being bi sexual and all and I hope you all have a great month byeeee


OH.….MY...….GOD …… have you SEEN the two of us video its sooooo good little lou playing the piano and guitar its soooo amazing I love an support him so much and im so proud of him and how far hes come and I really hope to see the boys back in 2020 but I will support them all if they don't I love you guys and hope that they are happy and healthy because that's all that matters not when there next albums coming out or whose dating who I love the boys and always will


i agree I love all the boys and respect them equally but louis has just been through some tough stuff and he still continues on expressing him self though music and im so glad he hasn't gave up hes beautiful , smart , talented and just an over all good person . 
            also is mindless behavior a good group because my playlist is legit only one direction and I was think of adding some other artists


@Princetonisbabe I know he's grown so much and I really proud of him after all hes been though to go a make a music video for that if that shows anything its how brave and strong he is ❤