
I want joe biden to buy me ice cream



@ bisexualbutterbread  I love you tooooo and the book is so goooood <3 <3 


@bisexualbutterbread awww<3 I love you so muuch<3


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Why can't people just be nice?? Is it so hard to be a good person? Like, I get it, people make mistakes, everybody does. But how can you be so ignorant and selfish and not learn from them? How can you be too proud to admit you've made a mistake? I'm literally crying right now, because I don't know who I should trust in this fucked up world. People are so mean and fucked up to each other, it's disgusting. And I get, that I've made mistakes and was mean to people, but I try to learn and to apologize for them. (to? from? Idk, i'm crying, I can't focus on correct grammar lmao) (wow, my grammar is so bad lmao)


I agreee, it’s not like you’re ignorant to them and are mean to them. They just take what they want, whilst you care for them and give them what they want. And out of nowhere when they get bored or have what they wanted they don’t care about you and ignore you. Ive experienced that by myself, it’s so frustrating. I learned how to deal with it but sometimes it’s really hard. By the way my grammar is fcked up too lmao


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@ bisexualbutterbread  turns out people aren't nice when they don't have to be. Idk, I needed to get this shit off my mind . <3


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Okay guys who wants to be my friend? Because mine are shit. I asked them to sign a blm petition and they said that the site may has a virus. Guess what Karol. People are dying. And your dirty phone is more important to you than human life and justice? So I'm looking for new friends. I love my close friends but some are just shit people. They talk about stuff they don't know shit about. Like depression, homophobia, sexism, racism and anxiety. The once talked shit about trans people and make fun of self harm. The called people with depression psychos and say that you can't argue with women. The don't know shit about shit but talk like they do. (Btw her name isn't Karol. They are two boys. I don't wanna say thier names) 


@ xlillybl0nde  yay :)