
this message may be offensive
Ok what the fuck so I was lying in bed watching those 'if these images scare you then you might have __ phobia' compilations on youtube and these days i've been kinda paranoid for no reason and so I kept pausing to make sure those creepy sounds were only from the video lol and at one point I pause again, and I suddenly hear knocking coming from the wall on the left and there's no one that lives on the other side, and then suddenly I hear knocks ON THE FLOOR, like I know it could have been coming from the neighbours on the other side of the wall behind me but it seriously didn't sound like it and i'm terrified now


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Ok what the fuck so I was lying in bed watching those 'if these images scare you then you might have __ phobia' compilations on youtube and these days i've been kinda paranoid for no reason and so I kept pausing to make sure those creepy sounds were only from the video lol and at one point I pause again, and I suddenly hear knocking coming from the wall on the left and there's no one that lives on the other side, and then suddenly I hear knocks ON THE FLOOR, like I know it could have been coming from the neighbours on the other side of the wall behind me but it seriously didn't sound like it and i'm terrified now


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I'm so fucking done with these little shits that dare to call themselves people 
          They bully you, act disrespectful and then laugh about it like it's so fucking 'funny' and 'badass' to be rude, say the most hurtful things and laugh at you if you tell them it bothers you and tell you you're not funny yet if you laugh with them they laugh at you for not standing up for yourself, they mock everything you do or say for absolutely no reason, and then when you finally, when you FINALLY say something that hits them JUST a little bit, you're the worst person ever! You're arrogant, you're unfunny, you're 'insane'. I'm fucking done. Just die already. Go to fucking hell


Storytime de azi de la 7 dimineata: eram pe centru si m am intalnit cu un catel care parea jucaus asa ca am zis sa l cuţuesc ca de ce nu si o venit si o sarit pe mine, mi am scapat cafeaua si castile si m am murdarit intr un hal de zici ca o vomat un dragon d ala de pamant pe mine
          Bun, dupa m am dus in parc si m am 'spalat' cu mountain dew pe haine si o venit si asta dupa mine si acum nu pot nici sa ma dau in leagan fiindca sta intre picioarele mele si mananca un porumb pe care l a gasit pe aici pe undeva?. De asemenea mi a ros sticla de suc, a vrut sa mi manance telefonul, m a zgariat cu dintii, m a tras de par si o alergat o pisica pana a fost nevoita sa se suie intr-un copac (pisica nu a patit nimic tho)
          As putea sa il alung si sa ma relaxez si eu, dar nu o fac din simplul fapt ca mi se pare prea drăgălaș
          Concluzie: sunt un simp pentru căţei