
it’s been like a million years since i’ve been on here 


so basically another thing about my last update is that once i’m done i won’t delete the app, i’ll still be active sometimes but i’ll likely stop writing for good.
          i honestly am super excited to revisit my old works as i have left them untouched for like a millennium.
          also this is a perfect time because i have started going a little back into my life of luxury sorta obsession. 
          loved their new vid with chester wanting to share a bed with parker. (again) 
          barbara too. she was.. interesting. 
          the whole concept of that bit was interesting and funny tbh. 


so, i’ve been thinking. 
          i know i haven’t really been that active on here in awhile. part of this is because well, i’ve sort of moved on. i was 13, almost 14 when i first made this account and started posting stories on here. now i’m 16, going to be 17 this year. crazy, isn’t it? i feel like im a completely different person than i was back then. i am a completely different person. i’ve been through a lot since then, and i feel like it’s just time for me to move on, since i don’t have the time or really want to continue writing on here much longer. so, instead of just abruptly leaving without any explanation i wanted to give you closure and leave you with something. 
          my old works kind of.. suck. 
          i know some of you may like them and i agree, they were good ideas but just poorly executed and poorly written. i feel that i’ve improved a lot as a writer since then. i’m still not the best writer ever but im still definitely better than i was. 
          so, i was thinking.. i wrote those stories once, almost 3 years ago.. so i can write them again. (excuse me for channeling taylor swift here) 
          so, i wanted to leave to with new and improved versions of my old stories i will be publishing over the next few months before i leave. 
          so with that being said…
          parker x chester shorts (gabby’s version). february 2nd. 


omg hi it’s been like forever 


lmao I remember you


thank you for all the comments!!❤


@bitchinelev11n ajjjsbwhsbwhsjs thank you so much omg!!!!!❤❤❤❤❤i love the spam of comments i get :3


omg you’re welcome i love your stories so much they’re so frickin good ❤️❤️❤️


ok… so y’all know how i’m a huge swiftie, right? 
          sooo i had an idea.. since my old parker x chester stories need updating really bad and i thought that i could… rewrite them. 
          i could rewrite them with the same plot and i’ll call it (Gabby’s Version) 
          (i got that from taylor swift if you didn’t know) 
          but yeahh so what y’all think?? 


i am planning on writing a drarry fanfic and i was wondering if there were any other ships any of you would want to also see in it?? ( no one who is below 18 or above 18 together please ) it can be either between 2 of the students or the adults so please tell me what you would like to see :)