
@Leigh19 Aww thank you! I know I'm guilty too, but it's nice to know that someone still listens, and I really am in the process of re-posting a better version of The Summer I Met Him.


None of my fans get on anymore do you guys? It's either that or my current stories suck so much you all choose to ignore me. Would you guys appreciate it if I post better stories than the one I have and the ones that were here in the past because I have a few ideas I just need you guys to talk to me and tell me what you all want. I'm not a mind reader. That is unless you all have died on me. ;)


What do you guys think of me writing a story called "Liar, Liar". It is more of a romance, comedy, drama so hopefully I will get more reads. It won't be a cliché I promise!!! I will have the description up soon, and I will be continuing my other story as well, but it will determine how many reads, votes, and comments I get because I don't want to write something that no one likes, right?