
          	Some of you have been asking for another part of sunset curves list on my Luke Patterson imagines and guess what, that’s what your getting. Also, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 32K!!!! THAT IS INSANE!!!! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!✋


          Some of you have been asking for another part of sunset curves list on my Luke Patterson imagines and guess what, that’s what your getting. Also, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 32K!!!! THAT IS INSANE!!!! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!✋


Hey everyone!! If your seeing this, I will be posting more parts today!! I know I didn’t in the past week and I apologize for that but I had some things to do for school and also a few tests last week that I needed to focus on. But, I’m all set now and will be posting later today!! I hope you all have a good morning!!