
          	Any of you use that app called Tap?
          	(Yes, the rhyme was intended)


Hello Wattpad friends,
          It's been far too long. I'm easing my way back to Wattpad, slowly but surely.
          And to start it off I'll be posting Communion in it's entirety for free.
          Drop me a line. I hope to reconnect with you all soon,
          B. Patterson


@bjpatt hey! You didn't tag me in this so I never saw the reply! MD National Guard?! That's awesome. Thanks for protecting us! Are you still around Wattpad? Drop by my page to say hi when you are. (And yes, still writing although I don't know about being a favorite, but I do okay lol)


Haha the military happened. I'm not sure if I told you but I joined the Maryland National Guard. In done with Basic Training, but I won't be done with the next phase of my training until early next year :-/
            How are things with you? I've seen a few Facebook updates. It looks like your still a Wattpad favorite :)


@bjpatt What happened to easing back into Wattpad?! ;)


NEW CHAPTER of Maneaters: Mind Games.
          Meet Calvin. Cruel yet handsome. And the kind of man who sets women up, just to let them down. What does Viola have to say about that?
          Also, check out the greatest salsa dancing scene you'll ever read :-)


"Viola Wingfield is more than just an alpha female but an apex predator. She feeds on the emotional energy of humans, particularly men. They're velvety anxiety, candy-coded sadness, with a dash of fear. And the taste is all the sweeter when she's the cause of it. 
          But just when Viola is on top her game-- with her new prey Calvin, with her career as a clinical psychologist, with everything-- an old ghost from the past named Reynold shows up. And with him, the chance to end her exile from the other Succubi. If they can capture the most dangerous one of all..."
          Don't forget to check out my NEW STORY:  Maneater: Mind Games.


RESEARCH: In most of the books you read with a female protagonist, is her purse ever mentioned?


Maybe it did, maybe it didn't can't recall anywhere where it would be significant enough to stick out...


@rskovach I'd probably use it to describe how expensive her tastes are.  Although her comment about never dating ugly or unsuccessful men may cover it.  It's my first time doing a story completely from a female protag so it makes for a fun challenge.


@TheVandiShow In most scenes I would only mention it as an accessory.  I could probably mention the expensive brand name.  Not sure what plot relevant or scene relevant items will be inside.  But I'm sure I'll have fun coming up with some :)


Hello everyone,
          GOOD NEWS:  Sparkle is published!

          BAD NEWS:  I've gotta take it down everything except for the first two chapters.  So, you have until tomorrow (07/08) at 5:00 p.m. EST to finish it.  


@rskovach Nope.  The publisher also did some developmental editing and designed the cover.  She recently started the publishing company, but given that she's so multi-talented, I think she's going places :-)


Ooh, and I just clicked the link and the cover is awesome! Same designer as Communion?


Wow, you're on a roll! Congrats :)