
Hang on a moment. I believe I just found you on ao3, with multiple other fics that are equally as good as Blindside. That, or someone stole Blindside and posted it under their name (which I'm very doubtful of after reading the other works there). But yeah. If that's you then props bc you're great and now one of my favourite Tronnor writers.


@TrxyesSivan Yeah, it is me, and that is very vigilant of you, thanks, I appreciate you looking out for me of sorts :) I kinda learnt to live with the fact that my wattpad name is just me spazzing on the keyboard - I realize now that this may be a bit confusing.
            (I don't publish one shots here because ao3 - to me - seems a bit more organized, and it works better for short stories, while wattpad is more suited for reading chaptered things)
            And you can't even imagine how immensely flattered I am to be praised by one of the most 'acclaimed' (hate this term but can't come up with a more fitting one) writers. Swear to god, you and @troyescoolsht (I believe you're friends? That is really not relevant to the point) are hands down my ultimate tronnor fanfiction crushes in the most platonic and non-creepy way. What I was trying to say is that I fall in love with literally everything you write. 
            Thank you for your appreciation. 
            lots of love :)


@blablbl haha that's awesome! yeah it's strange that it doesn't seem apparent at all, but that's probably an effect of suspending your disbelief. I think the main plot conflicts are a little different though, because Troye and Connor have known each other for long in my fic, arguably the closest to each other while in yours they start out as a world away! And thanks, that's really lovely feedback


@thegirlwhosaidbye no worries, not for a second I thought that you implied that someone's stealing ideas. And I'm incredibly flattered even by being associated with this wonderful work. 
          @spraypaintedgold I've read 'Understanding' on ao3, and loved it so much, it is so minimalistic and simple (I tend to use these words as compliments) and it didn't occur to me either that the setups may look similar.


@thegirlwhosaidbye it's actually rather funny because I read Blind Side after writing Understanding (a friend of mine was recommending it so hard and after my century-long procrastination, i actually got around to reading it) Surprisingly, when I read it I was into the story on its own- I didn't even realize they were similar until you brought it up! It's so cool that each writer has a different flavor to add to the classic High-School AU. Keep up the good work @blablbl


@thegirlwhosaidbye oh, thank you for your kind words (and you don't want to know how many sleepless nights the story gave me *sigh*). It feeling short makes sense because it was a one-shot that kept on writing itself. 
          (Side note: could you please refer me to the other story you've mentioned - I am really curious?)