
Hey y'all, I just wanted to let you all know that I do not support jk Rowling or her terfy ass views. I haven't really looked at my profile photo in a long time and completely forgot about it. 
          	Trans lives matter. 
          	Trans men are men. 
          	Trans women are women. 
          	And terfs need to be defenestrated. 


Hey y'all, I just wanted to let you all know that I do not support jk Rowling or her terfy ass views. I haven't really looked at my profile photo in a long time and completely forgot about it. 
          Trans lives matter. 
          Trans men are men. 
          Trans women are women. 
          And terfs need to be defenestrated. 


Hello all, so I have a favour to ask. I need advice on how to portray anxiety as I don't have it myself, that I know of at least, so those of you who do have it, please tell me how it works regarding close friendships and how it feels to be fighting with those friends.


Mines more so come at night before bed and whenever someone is yelling I become either air depraved because I’m panicking so much or I’m frozen with fear and I can not move no matter what it’s a struggle and I can’t really explain anxiety because it’s really your mind messing with you for me anyways 