
Out of curiosity I decided to check out this website again and see what's been going on. It's incredible to think that after all these years you guys are all still reading and sharing my stories. Stories that I wrote as a bored little 12 year old fan girl. I apologize for the hiatus but I'm just not 12 anymore and I've been to busy to sit down and create stories. I do, eventually, want to get back to writing and I promise when I return, I'll bring bigger and better stories. In the meantime, I send my thanks and appreciation. Thank you to all my 5.08K followers! I love you all ❤


Out of curiosity I decided to check out this website again and see what's been going on. It's incredible to think that after all these years you guys are all still reading and sharing my stories. Stories that I wrote as a bored little 12 year old fan girl. I apologize for the hiatus but I'm just not 12 anymore and I've been to busy to sit down and create stories. I do, eventually, want to get back to writing and I promise when I return, I'll bring bigger and better stories. In the meantime, I send my thanks and appreciation. Thank you to all my 5.08K followers! I love you all ❤


Hey followers, 
          I am here to give you both good news and bad news. 
          Bad news,
          I apologize to my fan fiction fans, but I have officially moved on from writing fan fictions. I started writing them when I was 11 and I know that I have grown as a writer since then. I am able to write bigger and better things now. I realized I have a lot of unfinished work, but honestly I can't stand writing that kind of stuff anymore. I feel like I am not able to reach my full potential. I'm sorry, but it's more of a personal thing. I hope that you will all understand. 
          Good news, 
          I have changed my profile and started writing new novels.  I am putting in a lot of time and effort into these new books and I would greatly appreciate it if you guys gave me the same amount of support that you used to give me. I appreciate everything. You guys allowed me to grow as a writer, and I would love if you'd continued on this ride with me.
          Sincerely, blackarabia
          (formerly, shushuizmindless)