
@JackNoryTime not really tbh but I'm trying to cope and oooh yes please much needed and sum pizza would be nice lool


@young_simba I know, lyk when ppl ask wat college I go to and I mention ctk it's like bare ppls faces change and dat but SFX is known for their ratchet ness I think ctk is just full of bait faces and some silly skettels tbh . Alie *remincises bout da past* it was stress and yh fair enuff but I personally fink the stress only gunna come from the workload but your head is only on one thing so your not thinking bout a load of subjects and mixing them up at the same time so revision would be a walk in the park *whistles* and ahhhh I'm ready for the battle ahead *wearing armoury and loads da ak 47*


@Disguisedemotions  @blackbyatch1 loooool ctk is known for having ratchet babes though, I'm not surprised. my girl said 'you only have one subject to focus on' loooool - can you imagine, that's the mistake we all made when picking subjects for a levels: 'it's only 4 though'. we should know by now not to underestimate less subjects as being easier. i'm certain uni is death uno *wears black gown in preparation* :((