@blackendeavour I miss you too...I miss another person too..most importantly,I miss myself.I may look happy at first glance,but the truth is I'm rotting.I'm here Raven,please talk to me.Anything.I miss you and everyone.
Look i don't know what's going on but ..
I wanna know if your okay if you need anything tell someone please
I miss someone too you don't know how many people care about you please
Tell us please..
- Ash
Bloody Walls in your room,
People killed by your hand,
You're all bloody will you stand.
Me and my friends will find the messages you tried to say in the hidden ways.
@blackendeavour I miss you too...I miss another person too..most importantly,I miss myself.I may look happy at first glance,but the truth is I'm rotting.I'm here Raven,please talk to me.Anything.I miss you and everyone.
@blackendeavour Raven,are you okay? What happened? I'm worried about you..I haven't heard anything from you since the last time...I'm always open for you to talk to.