Hello visitors

Normally i would welcome you all to this place in my head called hell but, im kinda running late right now so I'll try my best to keep this short and to keep you sane

Im one of those people you encountered that you just. cant. stand and trust me, if im beside you right now. You'd probably want to ram my head against the wall to shut me up.

no, not THOSE people that gossips to no end OR THOSE that just can't mind their own business.

I just nag. A LOT. and maybe scream.. sometimes i just cant differentiate between breathing and swearing. which probably...


okay, maybe i over exagerated, BUT it is how i see it...

people would mostly describe me as a smart ass (which is true..), or a bitch (I. AM. NOT A. 9 YEAROLD. POODLE)-
anyways, I'd mostly do something reckless or dumb in a daily basis and drunk walk myself through the halways.

hopefully you're still sane!

with stuff
  • anywhere as long as arctic monkeys, foo fighters, ac-dc and black keys exist
  • IscrittoJanuary 1, 2014

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