Hi, I love your story 'Escape from hell to meet the Cullens' its so awesome, but you havent updated in a while.
I was hoping that you would read my book its called Hierarchy.
Please comment, i need comments!
It's baaaccckk!!
Romance is for Humans-Passion is for Wolves just got updated to Chapter TWO
luv it hate it you still have to read it!
vote comment and bite your nails off waiting for the next one--- if you don't read it you'll wish you had!
believe me---- you'll want to at least try this story out:
Romance is for Humans-Passion is for Wolves
Try it out tell me what you think...
luv it hate it..... and if it really was a waste of your time critisize the heck out of me!
NEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW STORY yaaaaaa i've been off for a while but i hope u like this one--- its called FOREVER ENTRUSTED new turn kinda but i'm celebrating getting my laptop back sooooo vote comment critisize the heck out of me--- just check it out!