
Hmmmmmmmmmm........ I'm reaaaaalllllyyyyy laaaaaaaazzzzyyyyyyyyyy.. what to do?~~~~


Hello I'm Komal!
          Thank you for reading my book Moon Lovers The Fate Changers and for providing your support. I highly appreciate it. Hope you are enjoying reading it.
          Have a wonderful day/night! 
          ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ


Hello! To all of you be careful okay. Let's all pray that the CONV will pass soon. And that all of those affected by it would recover.
          Also buying alcohols and face masks is good but selling them for a higher price is bad. Think carefully okay not many of us could buy these necessities in such a high price during an economic crisis. So to all the people who've done this I wish you realized that money couldn't be brought to your graves.
          Okay thats all I want to say. So all of you stay safe okay. Jane~