
I havent been on here in awhile. I am going to be deleting alot of my stories and imma keep a few. I will also post a story that will act as an intro for the entire thing. I still dont know what to call it but hope all of you like it!


ok ay soo i am deleting my fanfics and some of my unfinished stories if anyone wants any its gonna be here for atleast 24 hours! The reason why is bcs i want to start over and i already am in the making of the first chapter to a story i have been making! if anyone wants any of my finished ones too i can send you the full books of those and you can post them on your Wattpad. anyways take care! also ik i have changed this soo many times now but officially and this will be my last time i am changing my discord server is here: This is also for my youtube one as well so its just gonna be easier for me to take care of both there anyways! Take care and see you all later! (my discord names changes between Ruin Fader and Sin Fader heads up on that)