
Hey everyone! So as I’m laying in bed unable to sleep, I took some time to look through all my old stories. A ton has changed since I last updated any of my works on here- almost 4 years ago. I got married 2 years ago and had our first child a month ago. I still love each and everyone of these stories and have so much invested in them. I want to keep writing and give these characters some final conclusions. I’m curious as to which of my current unfinished works you all enjoy most, if there’s a clear consensus I’d like to continue on that specific book…between diaper changes and all, haha. Hope everyone is doing well 


Hey everyone! So as I’m laying in bed unable to sleep, I took some time to look through all my old stories. A ton has changed since I last updated any of my works on here- almost 4 years ago. I got married 2 years ago and had our first child a month ago. I still love each and everyone of these stories and have so much invested in them. I want to keep writing and give these characters some final conclusions. I’m curious as to which of my current unfinished works you all enjoy most, if there’s a clear consensus I’d like to continue on that specific book…between diaper changes and all, haha. Hope everyone is doing well 


Hello All! 
          I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday season and are doing well. 
          I just got an upload into Vampire's Vixen - it's not super long, but it at least is still something. 
          I've been extra AWOL these past few months because I'm happy to announce that I got engaged and moved into a house with my fiance, between that and still being in college I really had my hands full and barely had enough time to remember my own name most days. 
          I hope you enjoy and just know that I do plan on eventually finishing all of the stories I've written- I have plans for them all - I just have to get it all written up :)


After a 6-7 month dry spell of no updates- there is finally one posted! 
          There is now a new chapter up to "13 Days of Halloween - Part 2" 
          I know it's a little out of season, but I hope you still enjoy!
          My apologies once again for such a lack of writing this past year. 
          Warm regards, 


Hello Friends! 
          I have not yet died, life has just sucked me into a crazy few months filled with tons of work, tough college classes, and other personal issues. I apologize that all of my stories have basically been abandoned, but they are not a lost cause! I still plan on updating and working on all of my stories, it's just not going to be nearly as frequent as I would like. I'm starting my official program this Monday in school as a full-time student, so that means my life will get even busier very soon. 
          I know I announced that there will be a second part to the 13 Nights of Halloween, but right now it's not possible to keep up with that story, especially to finish it by Halloween this year. I'm not fully giving up on it yet, but I might get to the point where I just take it down if I don't think I'll be able to finish it. 
          Lastly, there is ironically a new shorter story I've started titled "Naive". The chapters will be shorter than my other stories and there will be fewer chapters altogether. This is a much different story than I've written before and it's a little personal, but I still wanted to give it a try! Hopefully, you enjoy it! 
          Thank you for your patience, 


Communion of the Cursed Update ~ 
          Hello, all! I just wanted to quickly post an announcement regarding my story Communion of the Cursed. I recognized that I was not enjoying how the story was shaping up and since I was only two very short chapters in, I decided to change things up. 
          It's still under its same name, but the plot has changed slightly to make the story a little more interesting and easier to actually write about. 
          I hope you all enjoy it :D


@blackveilsinwhite HOW DARE YOU CHANGE YOUR OWN STORY! :P Actually, I think I like this angle better. I don't have to have as much Catholic guilt about it. :D


Pesan ini mungkin menyinggung
HOLY SHIT IT'S CHRISTMAS IN FEBRUARY! THREE updates at once? I'm not sure my little heart can handle this. :)


@blackveilsinwhite I'm still alive! :) Just as you posted them - or just as I saw that you posted - I got an email about more work to do last minute. *shakes her fist* Now, that's done but it's almost time for the dog to go out. Why does the world hate me?


            I do hope you enjoy though 


            Please don't die of a heart attack. I can't have a death on my conscious this early in life, haha


Good Evening Ladies and Gents! 
          I know it's taken an incredibly long time to finally get to this point, but we've gotten there. I just posted a chapter for Wasp's Wife, and I'm just going to say I'm pretty assured it's the chapter you've all been waiting for. Go forth and enjoy :D <3


            My apologies that it took me so long to see this message from you! I hope you've been enjoying Wasps Wife so far and are looking forward to all the craziness ahead  Thank you for the sweet words!


@blackveilsinwhite I literally never saw this post until now....WTF? Maybe it was buried in the 5000 dumb announcements. :( But I read the chapter so . . . It's all good in da hood. :)


@blackveilsinwhite I'm so excited to dive into the Wasp's wife! I can't believe I've never seen your stories on here! xx keep up the good work.


Just made another bad decision while putting off starting my online Chemistry class. I was very inspired by a picture posted by both WheresBryce and Justin Morrow on Instagram in the last day or so, and cranked out this first chapter. I just wanted to test the waters with this first chapter, so please let me know what you think!  Is it good, and should I put any effort into writing more chapters, or is it time to kill it before it gets a chance to truly live? Any feedback is greatly appreciated :D


@blackveilsinwhite I'm so glad that you posted this, because:
            1) I must be slacking in my fandom and I did not see that DELICIOUS photo of Justin that Bryce took.
            2) I never would have known that you'd posted a new gem.
            I will comment on the story itself, but I'm going to make a huge guess that it's brilliant, I will love it, and I will want you to continue it. But only if YOU want to continue it. :) <3


Here is the link that I so brightly forgot to post earlier ~ 