Hello wonderful people I would like to request a favor. My friend began to write a book and even though she doesn't believe me that they are good I would like you guys to read it. It is a Harry Potter fanfiction oc. It will have light boy x boy in the future if she countine it. It's call "What if There Were Two"
Please check it out
Hello wonderful people I would like to request a favor. My friend began to write a book and even though she doesn't believe me that they are good I would like you guys to read it. It is a Harry Potter fanfiction oc. It will have light boy x boy in the future if she countine it. It's call "What if There Were Two"
Please check it out
Someone should help me write a book or poems... Idk I also have terrible Grammer and need someone with great Grammer to help me with this books. So please message me if you want to write a book.