
Im trying to update at least one book a day now! <3


Okay so a lot of personal things have been going on lately and trust me they arnt good. And I might not be able to come back on for a while. I might but it's just hard to say. And I'm sorry but things are going on and my mental health is definitely going downhill so anyways just wanted to put that out there in case I disappear for a while. But I'm going to try and keep writing. Anyways I'll be off to update my books. See ya! <3


Hey guys! A lots been happening lately and I haven't been writing much. Sorry! I hate school so much at the moment and am going through personal things and I haven't been really motivated to do anything. But I'm working on it! Anyways thanks for reading my books and I hope to finish those and I have a bunch of plans for cute and sad (but fluffy) stories in the future! Just plz tell me feedback and things I can work on to be a better writer. Granted it's hard on a phone but. Oh whale. *shrugs* anyway baiii 


@blahblahmehmeh122  i hope everything works out! i can't wait to see what you write next, and if you need help all you have to do is ask.


Awww yay thanks! I love writing so much and this makes me feel so happy! Thanks! <3 *hugs*


All of your books are wonderful! If you need help, I will not hesitate to lend you a helping hand.


I wanted to thank you for being so supportive and such a great friend. Whenever you comment on my books I get so excited and happy. So, thank you!


Awww thanks! Same to you. I love reading whenever you comment! It's honestly makes my day! You and everyone else who reads the books are the reason why I like to write so much. I like making people happy and I love you books and love reading them 