
/    this  fandom  is  literally  in  hell  rn


tell emmm 


sick in the head 


i suppose there is something very shakespearean about you and malfoy. star crossed lovers and all that. 


[   her  left  eye  twitches  upon  hearing  her  best  friend’s  words,  annoyance  flickering  across  her  features.  she  breathes  in  a  deep  breath  in  an  attempt  to  push  down  the  frustration  clawing  at  her  throat.  instead,  she  levels  stevie  with  a  scathing  glare   ]     the  only  feeling  i  have  for  malfoy  is  burning  hatred.      /      @nuncapuros 


so.. are the rumors true?? you and malfoy?? 


oh  merlin—     [   cursing  underneath  her  breath,  she  buries  her  face  into  her  hands.  stevie  poking  fun  at  her  with  this  was  one  thing,  but  the  bottomless  rumors  spreading  far  enough  to  reach  gryffindor  tower  is  entirely  something  else.  she  muffles  a  frustrated  groan  between  her  hands.  then,  she  lifts  her  head,  irritation  written  all  over  her  features   ]     of  course  not,  harry.  how  on  earth  do  you  even  think  that  has  one  ounce  of  truth  to  it?  draco  and  i.  do  you  hear  how  demented  that  is?      /      @savieur


violet says you’re head over heels for draco. 


—so you have thought of it.   the prospect of being danielle malfoy.   has quite a ring to it, don’t you think?   danielle malfoy.. /draco diggory/.     [she’s done it. danielle malfoy, neé diggory in no more than five years, had done the impossible many a men had died amidst setting out to do. make pansy parkinson laugh.]


i  do  not  like  draco.  i  have  never  liked  draco,  nor  will  i  ever  like  him.  i  would  rather  set  myself  on  fire  than  ever  become  danielle  malfoy.      /      @simwng


*     :33333333


you have a leaf in your hair,  diggory.  


@soltudes    ☼    what—    [   her  hands  fly  up  to  her  hair  the  second  he’s  uttered  that  sentence,  the  dark  locks  a  frizzy  mess.  as  she  pulls  a  burnt  orange  leaf  off  where  it  laid  on  the  crown  of  her  head,  she  blushed  a  deep  red  in  embarrassment.  she  throws  it  to  the  ground  with  a  bashful  smile   ]    oh.  thank  you,  i  guess?    [  she  replies  softly,  her  brows  furrowed  together.  whether  this  was  a  strange  act  of  kindness  or  to  humiliate  her,  danielle  wasn’t  certain,  but  she  was  grateful  she  hadn’t  entered  the  castle  with  a  leaf  stuck  in  her  hair  regardless   ]


hold still. you’ve got … something on your forehead. 


it’s not alive— just. stay still. [ shaky fingers move forward, slow, and then her thumb swipes across the others forehead. she pulls her hand back, eyebrows furrowing. ] … soot? what in merlin’s name have you been up to? 


@sobscore    ☼    oh  merlin!    [   yelping  loudly,  she  jumped  as  her  hands  flew  up  to  bat  whatever  it  was  on  her  forehead   ]    get  it  off!  get  it  off!


(  …  )    cb  for  an  one  liner  and  drop  ones  or  remus  will  come  eat  u


/ stares intensely


i’m not asking for your permission, dani. 


@savieur    ☼    that’s—    [   she  huffed  out  a  breath  in  annoyance,  running  her  hands  through  her  hair  for  the  millionth  time  since  the  start  of  this  conversation   ]    that  is  not  what  i’m  saying  at  all!  all  i  am  saying  is  that  three  teenagers  perhaps  should  not  go  out  searching  for  horcruxes!   [   danielle  yelled  in  response.  in  reality,  she  was  scared.  the  possibility  of  a  war  was  becoming  realer  and  realer  every  single  day.  the  ministry  of  magic  had  been  taken  over  by  death  eaters,  professor  snape  had  been  anointed  the  new  headmaster  of  hogwarts.  harry  risking  his  life  hunting  down  the  pieces  of  voldemort’s  immortal  was  not  an  anxiety  she  needed  —  or  wanted  —  added  onto  all  of  that.  her  aunt  had  already  gone  into  hiding,  her  uncle  following  along,  with  the  result  that  danielle  was  back  at  her  parents’  house.  the  summer  had  been  filled  with  arguments  between  her  and  her  father,  whether  it  be  discussions  or  screaming  matches  until  she  slammed  her  bedroom  door  shut.  she  was  already  at  her  wits  end,  wanting  to  fight  but  being  fought  constantly  on  that  decision.  she  already  lost  cedric  to  this  godforsaken  war,  she  could  not  lose  harry  too   ]    you  / will /  get  yourself  killed,  harry!  don’t  you  see  that?


so…  what does your amortentia smell like… 


this message may be offensive
( … )    if there are spelling errors, sorry! couldn’t be fucked to check lmao


what? ron is lovely and ive known him my whole life. besides, he’s very cute…  is me having feelings for ron /so/ crazy?   [it absolutely was and would not happen in a million years. for the sake of the lesson, and perhaps lingering ears, ron would be on the receiving end of her fake admiration]    seriously! the amortentia smelled of the burrow, grass from the quidditch field and his cardigan.   [lying right through her teeth but she hadn’t had this much fun in a while]    (pt. 2)


[her bottom lip wedges itself between her teeth, gnawing on the soft flesh as she fought the urge to let her eyes wander to where /he/ sat. it infuriated her to no end to feel the effects he still had on her. that he switched on her (from adoration to indifference) so abruptly and easily, practically tearing the heart that beat for him from her chest. and yet still, the potion sat in front of her so painfully reminded her that she still craved his affection. if he were to stand right there and beg for a second opportunity, she’d take it and that made her want to throw herself off the astronomy tower. still, she made no show of how she felt, refusing to even turn in his direction. feeling dani’s hand grounded her and she sent the hufflepuff a small grin. she could so vividly remember running to dani’s room in a fit of tears after adam has so cruelly walked away from her. the memory still clawed at her and the emotions it brought on made her want to sprint out of the room. but for now, she made no such show of it, her eyes holding such little emotion as she had been doing the whole summer and since school started up again. she was a shell of herself (a product of her heartache for her doomed relationship and her father’s balance between life and death). still, she made the effort with dani so as to not worry her. her reaction cause her to crack a wide grin for the first time in what felt like a lifetime. eyes all over the room (including ron’s) shot to the pair and stevie even nearly laughed. she hoped adam heard, not that it would change anything, but it would be good]    (pt. 1) 