
Ꮺ ָ࣪  Ivy: Finally. The hiring book is all published. Now I can chill for a while and let members join. ƪ⁠(⁠‾⁠.⁠‾⁠“⁠)⁠┐
          	Raven: No— another important book is yet to be published. 
          	Ivy: Wait, which? (・⁠o⁠・⁠;⁠)
          	Raven: Coven Chronicles. It's the Affiliation book of our community. ࣪˖ ⌕
          	Ivy: Why is that important and who's that meant for? (⁠@⁠_⁠@⁠)
          	Raven: Coven Chronicles is meant for other communities to affiliate with us. By affiliating with our community, the other communities get some mutual benefits. ៹ ࣪˖⁩ ◞ Such as it helps in promotion of their works and also gives them a chance to collaborate with us! <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
          	Ivy: Ohh. That sounds really cool! ▸  ˖ So what are you guys waiting for? If you have a community or you are an affiliate manager of any community fill in our applications to affiliate with us. ⴰ  We're  thrilled to have you as our spellbinders! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧


Are you an author seeking thoughtful and constructive commentary on your work? Do you long for readers who genuinely appreciate your stories? Are you looking to connect with fellow writers for support and friendship?
          Look no further! Introducing Pages n Proses, a vintage-styled book club where you can:
          - Receive Constructive Feedback: Get paired with other writers who will provide insightful comments to help you refine your stories.
          - Gain Genuine Appreciation: Share your work with readers who will truly value and enjoy your writing.
          - Build Writerly Camaraderie: Connect with like-minded authors, exchange ideas, and forge new friendships within our supportive community.
          Join Pages n Proses today and experience a book club where your stories will be cherished, your writing will grow, and your circle of literary friends will expand.


Ꮺ ָ࣪  Ivy: Finally. The hiring book is all published. Now I can chill for a while and let members join. ƪ⁠(⁠‾⁠.⁠‾⁠“⁠)⁠┐
          Raven: No— another important book is yet to be published. 
          Ivy: Wait, which? (・⁠o⁠・⁠;⁠)
          Raven: Coven Chronicles. It's the Affiliation book of our community. ࣪˖ ⌕
          Ivy: Why is that important and who's that meant for? (⁠@⁠_⁠@⁠)
          Raven: Coven Chronicles is meant for other communities to affiliate with us. By affiliating with our community, the other communities get some mutual benefits. ៹ ࣪˖⁩ ◞ Such as it helps in promotion of their works and also gives them a chance to collaborate with us! <⁠(⁠ ̄⁠︶⁠ ̄⁠)⁠>
          Ivy: Ohh. That sounds really cool! ▸  ˖ So what are you guys waiting for? If you have a community or you are an affiliate manager of any community fill in our applications to affiliate with us. ⴰ  We're  thrilled to have you as our spellbinders! (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧



@Seong_Grace Ma'am, I'm a gd myself.


Theme updated y'all.


@blancverse oh dang I like that. Gothic siren vibes



@btsluvwolfin lmao yeah ik those people xD apparently I'm a danger to the country.


@blancverse yup, you know people are assuming other people as you then indirectly asking about you to others lol.


@btsluvwolfin heheh I'm wanted :alien:



@blancverse i— I meant the yellow little bird. 


@blancverse anytime, np, my tiny-biny tweety bird.