
Happy New Year Everyone!!! Wishing you all luck and hope this year will be your year❤️
          	Working in the new chapter, will post it within this week
          	Thank you for the constant support guys, sending lots of virtual hugs and loves❤️


Happy New Year Everyone!!! Wishing you all luck and hope this year will be your year❤️
          Working in the new chapter, will post it within this week
          Thank you for the constant support guys, sending lots of virtual hugs and loves❤️


just wanted to rant here, it hurts alot when the friends you really love and trust is like literally going away from you, avoiding you and legitly ignoring you for no reasons, I should have been used to it by now since my friends since primary, secondary is also like that, it's my fault to actually trust these friends won't do the same and got close. 


Hye guys I'm sorry for not updating anything for the time being, I'm going through so many things right now, and my new sem is pretty much so stressful too. Hope you guys are doing great and I really hope you guys will not stop supporting! I'll try my best to make my updates soon. Till then I hope all of you are safe and sound! Love you lotsss, please take care and thank you❤️


Hye guys, I just slightly amended my chapter 1 and chapter 2 just to make it a little better. Most probably I will also amend the other old chapters a little just to make it a little better too but it depends.  I'll announce it if I do but for now only two chapters are amended