
/    pls   feel    free to   drop  interactions   !!   I’ll be    responding to    everything   tomorrow,    after I’ve   slept !   < 33


    &&.      rae,     give me all your active accts, i wanna spam drop things <3


@hyrded    /    ILYSM   !    thanks  love   < 33   I  hope   you’re    doing   okay   btw   !     how’s   life    treating    you   ?    < 33 


&&.            @blazeinflame,            no worries,  love.  take your time and reply when you are able to. i’ll drop things right now ;))


      you’re different..     from them, aren’t you?      i can practically  / see /    the immortality  reeking off you.


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@hyrded    (  . . .  )     I    don’t   know   / what / you’re   talking    about   .   [       the   shorter woman    at the   bar     uttered    ,     her   hand    waving dismissively    ,    though    the   slight   flicker of   unease   within   her   hues   indicated that    she   did   ,   in fact ,   know   / exactly /   what   he was on about .   olivia   didn’t   go gallivanting   about   preaching    that   she had powers   ,   that   she   was   a   supe .   the limelight    was    / not /   her   thing .   so how the   hell   / he /   seemed   to   know   about it   ,   she   didn’t know .      ]       you’ve   / clearly /    had   too   much    to drink .   take   it    from   me   —    drink some water   ,   so   that   you don’t   continue   to spill   crazy   shit   like   that — 


   They are  *stressing me out*  today.  I think my heart's beating too fast these days.  I cannot believe it.  


this message may be offensive
   It would make it a hell of a lot easier for me.  The back and forth I got goin' on with that man is gonna kill me off.    [  His laugh sounded more like a scoff than he'd intended,  but he was always more than happy to delegate the Butcher-bashing for the sake of his own sanity.  It was like chastising a child sometimes.  Seriously.  He considered her point,  shaking his head at the motion of none of them having their heads in the game,  but admittedly she was right in that fact.  At this point,  it was like herding sheep.  ]    Gotta take my foot off the gas,  I know that.  Fuck knows when they're gonna wake up again,  but I got my girls to look after,  y'know?  


this message may be offensive
@mmistired    (  . . .  )      I’d   gladly   handle   butcher    if    it    gives   me   an   excuse   to   kick   his    ass   .     [      liv   replied  nonchalantly     ,    the    corner   of    her   lips curving    upwards    as    she   swept   the  polishing    cloth   she   had   in   her   hands ,   over   her   shoulder   ,    before    leaning   her elbows   on   the   counter ,   sighing  .     ]        take   a break   .    the   others   aren’t   gonna   have their   heads   screwed    on   straight    if they have   other   shit   on    their   minds .   take this   as   an   opportunity   to    / breathe /   ,  m .   


this message may be offensive
   I know,  I know.    [  he waved his hand in an understanding gesture,  because he seemed to complain about things enough for it to not be much of a surprise.  but he had an excuse—  his heart really was going through it.  ]    Butcher's killing himself over this serum shit and he'll just come outta nowhere to derail a mission.  It's difficult to keep everyone together when they've all got their own shit.  


/    cb   ( & optionally specify )    ,    and    I’ll    drop    things    in    a   bit    < 33


⠀         *⠀⠀yesyesyes


// yes please!