
Her Mate and Savior has been released. I thought I would have the entire thing completed beforehand, but sadly I did not. I just released what I had written so far.


@blaziangirl im so mad at kwan i was really routing for him!!


@blaziangirl i'm loving the book im hooked i love both your books keep up the good work love!!


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Hello Author I come across your book and I got interested, and the moment I read it, I fell inlove with Shara. And ohhh my goodness the rest of the characters are oohhffff… you made me cry and got up of my seat multiple times and I love your writing skill. I do hope there’s more story for Dante and Shara. I love their love story. Thank you 


Is there ever going to be a sequel for Her Mate and Savior?


@blaziangirl please please please make a sequel to her mate and Savior I would like to find out what genders the children will be and what they will be like as parents and how the children act and are as they grow older!!


@blaziangirl if you ever decide to make a sequel I know it's going to be great 


I hope you make a sequel your writing style is amazing I loved both of your books 


I loved your books. Your writing is amazing and I hope you have a part two to your books or continue writing more books.


@AshleyLove328 awww thanks!! I am thinking about it. I just wrote those two for fun, but I have been thinking of writing again. So hopefully I will release something in the near future.