+ @ewitshim .
there in lies the problem. space is sacred and breaching that is beyond the call for hostility. so excuse me for not seeing a ray of sunshine anywhere in the vicinity. ( the blade is instead jammed into the wall besides his head as she turns away, clearly irritated. )
* floorboards sung when male slumped dramatically to the ground, knees brought towards chest && arms draped. vinyl averts gaze, mocha orbs glossed in impending tears. so out of character for this playboy. * don't fathom why I'd seek you for comfort. this shit is so dumb.. have some empathy .
+ @ewitshim .
( ashrami hums, though not exactly amused. attention turned elsewhere as she spoke, ) that is simply her loss, not yours, now isn't it? your thoughts and aggression are better wasted on meaningful tasks.
* eyes roll sassily, arms bouncing over torso in a irate manner, dissatisfied with scolding tone. alleged thing ⸻ better yet woman in question happens to be recent ex. * my manners deserted moment she decided to cheat.
+ @boysavir .
perhaps you shouldn't put it in someones / literal / face then, if you don't wish for it to be sullied by hands. i was merely curious, i have no intention of damaging your.. project, whatever you wish to call it. ( she's judging him. just a tad. )
❝ don’t.. come up behind me like that. ❞ ** the fighter would have spun on her heel, fist raised and ready. her eyes widened in surprise and a short moment of guilt for raising hands to the other like that. offering a half assed. ❝m’bad ❞
/ @bruisiings
no harm done. i would've reacted the same if i were you. i wasn't trying to spook you. ( the female offered somewhat of an apologetic air in return, not at all bothered by the almost attack to her person. hand ran through her dark colored hair, attempting to fix any stray strands. ) nice reflexes.