At first, Fractions was a bit shy. You see, Decimals had just moved, and Fractions started to develop feelings for Decimals.
However, Decimals seemed a bit out of Fractions’ league. Decimals was always nice to Fractions, though. So Fractions decided to try and become better friends with decimals.
Then one day when Fractions was walking home from school, a creep came out of nowhere.
It was... **Improper Fractions.** Fractions yelled for help, and suddenly Decimals was there, and decimals beat the oof out of Improper Fractions.
Fractions was very grateful, and Decimals offered to walk Fractions home. On the way home, Fractions’ more popular best friend caught the eye of Decimals; Mixed Numbers. Decimals started to neglect Fractions, and so did Mixed Numbers.
Fractions, heartbroken, ran off crying to the rooftop of the school. there, she met decimals’ younger brother, Pi. Pi helped her, and she became more noticable and popular. Decimals begged Fractions to take him back, but it was too late. Decimals was pond scum. Fractions had Decimals’ better brother Pi.
Mixed Numbers tried to salvage their old friendship, but it was no use. Mixed Numbers stole Fractions’ then future husband, and therefore was nothing.
Pi and Fractions went on to win the student body support, and eventually went off to go to the prom. They also won prom queen and king and won best couple in the yearbook.
Mixed Numbers turned out to be gay and dumped Decimals, and Decimals had to work as a McDonald’s cashier for not caring about his grades and focusing on his social status and dating life.
That is the relationship between decimals and fractions.