
probs gonna take a break from updating this week. I'm going to be writing a lot of new chapters for my books.


I'm back and I got a lotta anime fics in tow. I'm actually almost done with the tamaki fic (until I watch all of season 5 then after that I'll continue writing and  finally finish it off). I have three AOT books being prepped. Maybe even four or five. It depends really. I've also been planning some JJK and more MHA fics so keep an eye out :)!


Thank you for the follow lovely ♥️


@itsalrightblue Ahhhhh Okk I’m glad you’re back then ^^


Haha yeah no problem truth is I followed you like years ago and actually unfollowed. I’m IFell4BamBam btw went through some username changes lol :) (idk if you remember me but we were friends but then I went inactive for a year or two and we stopped talking)


Ok! So I guess you all can tell that I have been active recently because I started a new book. I find that having multiple books that I'm actively writing at once helps me find inspiration better. Anyway if you have been, or are reading my books I thank you!