a gun gets it done, but there's something much worse.

@blindedtruth ꃼ˚.*•. yes, “ please don’t start worrying, ada. not until i’m dead or worse ”. you / men / are insufferable. always out for blood * she took a sip from her glass, resting her arm across her chest and and the other sat comfortably on top, turning the glass slowly * this will never end until someone drops dead

@blindingthornes what’s not to approve? i have dealt with savages in the past. it’s always the men that truly know nothing of me. pity, really. you needn’t worry. they had it coming, ada. they just don’t know what’s in store for them.

* she didn’t like the sound of that. she got up from where she sat and walked over to the table, pouring herself a drink * and you think tommy will approve ?