
Chemically Insane is AMAZING. It's by far the best fanfic that I've ever read. You have such talent and skill as a writer and I'm so glad I stumbled upon one of your amazing pieces of work ! Every chapter you write makes me feel all emotional and worked up and hooked for more. It's very hard to do that as a writer, but you do it flawlessly! And your execution on the characters and how they act is so perfect. Keep up with the great work! I'm on the edge of my seat, I can't wait to see what else you have in store! ❤️


In regards to chemically insane (which is one of the best fanfics i've read so far) did you ever find out how he's able to display the expressions? He doesn't have anything in his hands when it changes. 
          In the wikia there are speculations that the cTOS upgrade to 2.0 can read his facial expression under the mask so....idk.
          I thought they would reveal it in the game but there's really no signification if how they do it.