
i’m thinking i’m probably gonna delete this account because i don’t really have a use for this one anymore. i’m gonna follow some of you guys on @amilli0nstars and i’m posting my story there anyway. i just felt i should get a fresh start anyway since i’ve had this account since i was in middle school [insert crying emoji] anyway i’ve had a fun time on this account but it’s time to say farewell. see you guys on my new account :) love you all <3


i’m thinking i’m probably gonna delete this account because i don’t really have a use for this one anymore. i’m gonna follow some of you guys on @amilli0nstars and i’m posting my story there anyway. i just felt i should get a fresh start anyway since i’ve had this account since i was in middle school [insert crying emoji] anyway i’ve had a fun time on this account but it’s time to say farewell. see you guys on my new account :) love you all <3


hey just coming on here to say i meant to have chapter 2 out already but i haven't gotten the chance to write as much as i want to. i might not have it out until next month since im busy this month but i'll try to write as much as i can and get it to you guys as soon as possible. thank you for your patience!


“Walking towards my public speaking class always fills me with more and more anxiety. The thought of getting up in front of a room full of 30-50 people is my worst nightmare. It always takes me hours to mentally prepare myself, especially since my instructor gives us criticism, but this is a midterm so I’m even more stressed about it. Since I go to a boring community college there usually aren’t many people loitering in the halls but there are some people here and there waiting for their class or friends. I had to dodge and weave every now and then while walking to my class and as i got closer to it i became more distracted. Finally, I accidentally bumped into someone, causing both of us to stumble a bit.”
          - From: The Jasper Effect debuting June 21 at 5pm PST on @amilli0nstars


@blitzersblee tomorrows the day everyone! i hope you're looking forward to it! :)


whoooo boy. hello to anyone who still has this app/website and still follows me. it's been a while since i published anything on here but i want to let anyone still interested in anything i write to know that i'm currently working on something right now and once i create a good enough buffer i'll probably publish it here. and you may be wondering "but amy, why are you bothering putting a story here?" and you'd be right to ask that. to answer that i'll just say that i enjoy writing as a hobby and nothing more. and whether anyone reads my work or not i still want to post it here for those who want to read it. that being said, i feel like wattpad is such a strange and funny thing since i've had it since middle school and i'd prefer to upload my story publicly to another website to reach a large audience so if anyone has any recs (that aren't that other famous fanfic app) then please let me know. of course i'll still upload my story here for the people who only have this app/website. speaking of my story, i'm probably gonna post a small snippet of it on here after this post so keep a look out for that. i think that's pretty much all i wanted to say. thank you for coming to my ted talk. see you soon :)!


i don't know if it was clear or not but my story is an original work, not fanfic.


hi wow okay so i do want to finish writing my story but like i usually have zero motivation so i don’t write enough but oh well. i had to delete my only other published work “small things matter” for a number of reasons but maybe i’ll make something similar to that when i need to rant about something. anyway i hope y’all will read my next chapter whenever i release it. bye! hope you are having/have/had a great day!


i’ve gotten someone to proof read my story so maybe sometime this week i’ll be able to post the very first chapter! i’m hoping everything works out well and all things go smoothly. hope y’all are having a wonderful time. happy reading! <3