Hello guys!! We have a few things to tell you guys! First I want to apologize for not updating last Saturday. That was mine ( Kristen's ) fault. We will update next Saturday.
Next, we both have been having disagreements about our current covers. So I finally made some that we both agree on and will be changing those soon.
We told you guys that we would be doing some rewriting on "Dare to Believe". We will start on that this week. No plot changes will be made, it will just be written in more detail and may have some additional scenes. So, for right now, Cassidy will be doing all of the new updates, while I focus on the rewrite. As soon as I finish that, we will be back to updating together.
For all the contest members: the dead line is this Saturday! We only have one entire so far but are hoping to get some more from you guys.
I hope that makes sense to all of you. Thanks so much for all of your support and patience. God bless! ~Kristen