Hi guys.
So I want to say a few things. I might lose some followers after this, but I just need to say this.
So recently I have been noticing some changes whenever someone mentions R5 or whenever I try to write a new chapter of CSL. I'm not as interested in them and tend to not pay any attention to them either.
I'm really sad about this, but it's not like I can bring back my old interests back.
I know most of my 36 followers are R5ers and now that I'm not one anymore, they might just forget about me and unfollow.
And I'm totally fine with the fact that I might loose some followers, because a strong decision comes with some disadvantages.
But on the bright side, I will NOT be deleting Crazy Stupid Love. I love it too much and I've received lots of support and also, it's one of my most popular works.
I will be focusing more on my non-R5 related stories but I will still update Crazy Stupid Love.
I'm sorry I haven't posted a chapter in a really long time. I have been dragging along with my life recently, and focusing on other things, like school, family, etc.
My one year Wattyversary is coming up soon. Wow, it doesn't even feel like on year. I remember when I wrote all those stupid stories and deleted the, right after 'cause I felt like they weren't good enough.
Anyways, thanks so much if you understand. Everything will be the same, it's just that I won't have a liking for R5 anymore.
A new chapter of CSL is coming soon, I promise.
Love ya,
Lexi xx <3