

@blondie111 You have no idea how much that bugs me when you type "like this nd u dnt spel things rite" URGGGGGHHHHHHH.
          OMFG YOU KNOW WHAT WE SHOULD DO?! We should make a talk show. And it would go on TV. Or facebook atleast. Then I could have all the motherf cking money I wanted. MWAHAHAHA. People are going to read this and be like "O.O This chicks high or something." If your someone other than laurie reading this, message me and tell me if you thought I was high. Random mood. Okay i'm done.


DUDE I'M IN YOUR FRICKEN ABOUT ME. Alright then. I'm calm. Nah not really,  i'm just containing myself. YOU DIDNT TEXT ME BACK FOOL! Oh wait.....Never mind! So i'm just writing useless crap now. You busy tomorrow? I'm not. Cause imma loser. I'll spend all day playing my 3ds. WITCH IS FRICKEN AWSOME BY THE WAY! But I do believe i've mentioned how amazing Nintendo is. Mutiple times. But thats just immedietly what comes to my mind. MARIOO! Okay. I'm good. You need to come talk to me, because I've gone all day today without saying anything to my family. So I need to get out all the talk that i've held in. Dude, I went on your page to ask if you were busy tomorrow and i turned into a fricken paragraph. I just like typing. OKAY I'M LEAVING NOW. Here I goo. Off into the cold cruel internet....Alone....Okay bye.