Lynn, my awesome, quirky and cool m8, happy new year!
You're a really good friend of mine, and mean a lot to me. We've had really strange and hilarious conversations, mostly about exams and what's going on in the world, and your obsessions and my obsessions, and just about life in general, and I want you to know that you're so awesome. I love you Lynn, and I hope you have a great 2016 x
2015 has been a good year, not the best but i still don't want to let it go :(
thank you to everyone who made my year special! you guys mean the world to me and you know who you are <3
i miss talking to all my friends on here... a lot happened this year that i just miss 2014 :(
i miss alicia, cara, rk, ellie, jemma and so so so many more friends tbh