
* ⠀ need to work on their portrayal, so cb and specify pls.




the   HELL   are   you   looking   at?


@bIoodrun       ✩      silas   weighed   the   option   over.   there   was   no   harm   in   doing   so.   he'd   only   avoided   it   up   until   now   because   he   found   no   real   use   of   it.   unlike   his   father,   that   was   / not /   the   mutation   he   relied   too   heavily   on.   for   better   or   for   worse.   he   locked   eyes   with   the   other.   "fine.   "   he   agreed.   and   then   he   went   rummaging.
                 the   things   he   found   were   SHOCKING.   memories   of   him,   aubrey,   and..   CHILDREN   in   the   kitchen   smiling.   him   and   them   in   cherry,   singing   along   to   green   day.   him   and   them   outside,   aubrey   painting   with   a   child.
                 the   shock   was   evident   across   his   face   as   he   took   an   instinctive   step   backwards.   "/ who /   are   you?   "   he   asked   in   a   low   tone.   there   was   no   trace   of   anger   now.   only   confusion   remained.


             ⠀ ⠀ cameron took a step back with the words, their hands raising in surrender before they let out a sigh. could they find aubrey? perhaps she should have been the first person they went to. it was clear silas was not the same person they knew and loved, but still… the love they held for him wouldn’t falter. he was their father, someone they followed around religiously.
             ⠀ ⠀ “okay, okay. you win, i’ll leave you alone.” as much as it did pain them to give up, cameron knew some parts of their father from the stories their mother had told, and they didn’t want to end up on the wrong side of that. it was clear he didn’t believe them right now, so perhaps they could make him.. a stupid idea, but the only one they really had. “but before i do, look in my mind and see if i’m lying to you.”


@bloodsartist       ✩      the   words   took   a   second   to   register   in   his   brain.   CHILD.   he   didn't   have   any   of   those.   as   far   as   he   knew,   anyway.   and   they   would   not   be   nearly   as   old   as   the   person   standing   in   front   of   him.   suddenly   he   wished   he   hadn't   put   the   damn   cigarette   out.
                  "i   don't   have   any   children,   let   alone   ones   as   old   as   you.   i'm   giving   you   one   more   chance   to   get   the   hell   away   from   me.   "   he   warned,   adjusting   his   jacket.   his   anger   was   under   constant   maintenance   but   this   was   REALLY   testing   all   of   his   progress.