
Man Pinhead is getting removed from DBD! Good thing I have every cosmetic for them but still that’s sucks.
          	A good thing though is that his perks which are REALLY good are going to become Free for everyone so that’s good at least…
          	Still sucks though…


@bloody_and_scorched well this happened to stranger things too, so who says that it won't come back? Besides I've heard no rumors of any media being made for hellraiser. So it'll be in the dirt if nothing comes up for it. I'm sure if they're desperate enough they'll talk with BHVR.


Hello My Friend i hope i'm not bothering you as i was wondering if you could write my story request for a disney-villain group faction called the brotherhood of destruction which the members are made up of a male reader who had been Isekaied as the master of masters from kingdom hearts and the most dangerous disney-villains that had ever live in the disney-multiverse and did not get to appear in kingdom hearts which are negaduck from darkwing duck has the eye color of his ducktales 2017 counterpart which is a reference to the negaduck 2023-2024 comic books and emperor belos from the owl house and warmonga from kim possible and the dark dragon from american dragon jake long and the core from amphibia and the chairman from the ghost & molly mcgee and the green goblin (norman osborn) from the new marvel animated series called your friendly neighborhood spider-man as the fan design will be done being digitally drawn this upcoming saturday during the morning or afternoon by as he is also to be credited as the artist that digitally drawn the fan design of the green goblin but the fan design is my idea and would like to be given credit for it aswell and demona from gargoyles and lord dragaunus from mighty ducks the animated series and fat cat from chip n dale rescue rangers the original cartoon series and toffee from star vs the forces of evil which they serve as the new most dangerous arch-enemies and dark counterparts of the mane 8 & their winged dragon friend spike the dragon as this idea takes place after the defeat of the legion of doom (my little pony friendship is magic) and before the events of my little pony next generation since i'm only curious to know is all as i have been a follower of yours for a long time and i will be honored if you could consider writing my story request when you have time to in the future my friend


i understand and i'm sorry for bothering you my friend 


@KyleDoerr4 Again my brother that’s some series I know nothing about and haven’t watched, I wouldn’t be able to do the idea justice plus I am very busy these days with school and stuff that I don’t have much time to write and watch a bunch of series to know what I would be writing.


i understand my friend but just to ask through could a one shot story be done where the male reader is a masked villain similar to yokai from big hero 6 and the masked figure from scooby-doo 2 monsters unleashed but his love interest is catwoman from max's the harley quinn show 2019 adult animated series and is the caring brother of harley quinn from suicide squad hell to pay and brother in law of poison ivy from the new adventures of batman & robin which is the new name of batman the animated series during later in the series since i'm only curious to know is all as i will be honored if you could do it when you have time to my friend 


Man Pinhead is getting removed from DBD! Good thing I have every cosmetic for them but still that’s sucks.
          A good thing though is that his perks which are REALLY good are going to become Free for everyone so that’s good at least…
          Still sucks though…


@bloody_and_scorched well this happened to stranger things too, so who says that it won't come back? Besides I've heard no rumors of any media being made for hellraiser. So it'll be in the dirt if nothing comes up for it. I'm sure if they're desperate enough they'll talk with BHVR.


Hey guys! I just wanted to come up here and give a shoutout to my new friend who has recently began to post on Wattpad! He is a very talented writer and I just finished reading their first chapter of his first published book and I can say it’s definitely worth reading! Please give him some support and consider reading their new book! If you like zombie stuff then I know you will like his book! His @ is @WrittenSongBird!


I just want to give a small update. Tomorrow will be the end of my second week back at school and I am doing pretty well so far! I have all A’s and one high B+. I think I’m getting more comfortable with it so I might return to writing soon!
          Have a good day/night :)


Well this was really bad timing…
          So I start online school Monday... for senior year in high school. For those who are asking “why are you just starting school in February?” or “You are 20 why are you doing high school?”
          Well it’s because I dropped out of school my senior year…well not dropped out the traditional way after my senior ended I didn’t have enough credits to graduate but…I kinda just didn’t go back to my high school. I immediately got a job but since I am a high school dropout I don’t really have good options for work so I finally decided I would do online school to finish my senior year and get my highschool diploma so I can get a better job (that’s basically not retail).
          Why I am telling you this is because I have no idea how much attention I will need to put into my schooling because I really want to graduate so I don’t feel like a complete failure so it will definitely take a lot of time away from me to write one-shots and on my other stories.
          I do know what I am going to write next but again I don’t know yet when I can start writing the one-shot. 
          Sorry in advance for the long gaps between updates on my stories but I want to put my full focus on my schooling. 
          Have a good day/night :) 


Hey guys :) 
          I wanted to have a one-shot ready for Valentine’s Day but I am dealing with some personal problems that include my health so I have just been either sleeping or playing video games because I don’t have much energy to do much else…
          I haven’t been able to decide also which to do for a one…so as a Valentine’s Day gift I wanted to know which you guys would rather see first…
          Here are the options:
          1) Yandere! Femboy! Male x Reader [Original Story]
          - Valentines Day with a Femboy?
          2) Nessa x Comedian! Reader [Pokemon]
          - Nessa has been feeling down for a bit when she finds out her favorite comedian is taking over Kabu’s gym when he retires.
          3) Squirrel Girl x Doc-Octopus! Reader [Marvel Rivals] 
          - You are the adopted son to Mr. Fantastic and Invisible Woman and you try to help Squirrel Girl deal with Vampires in Centeral Park.
          So yeah those are the options! Please vote on which one you would like me to work on first! I will eventually get to all of them but I can’t decide what one to do first.


@bloody_and_scorched Squirrel Girl x Doc-Octopus! Reader sounds really good, I'd like to see option 3.


I’d love to see option 2.
            Nessa x a comedian male reader would make for an interesting dynamic. 


Would you guys want a “Marvel Rivals” one-shot? I ask because I have certain ideas what I can do or make (Y/N) powers but the problem is that “Marvel Rivals” is kind of a new(ish) game that doesn’t have complete lore or much lore at all so it would heavily be a lot of head cannons and stuff I would have to make up.
          Should I even attempt it or should I wait later for more lore to be added?
          Also who would I do it with? (Not Invisible Woman I have a plan for her and Mr Fantastic) 


So I might have not written in a bit because well…I have been getting into the resident evil franchise. I played the RE3 remake a couple years ago and I liked it but I eventually got wrapped up in other games so I didn’t revisit it. But these past couple of days I have fully played the RE4 remake and the Leon side of the RE2 remake! I want to do a Claire playthrough but I don’t know if I should take a break or not because I have really been playing these games constantly. 
          I also did it so I can familiarize myself more with RE characters for my DBD story but I genuinely have fallen in love with the Resident Evil Franchise. I’m thinking about about buying RE5 and RE6 but I’m more into modern games that’s why I played the remakes.
          Sorry for rambling I have genuinely fallen in love with the franchise! 


There’s nothing wrong with taking a break especially with gaming take your time to relax and take care of yourself your health is just as important to many others as it is to you. Just my suggestion really glad to see you like the RE franchise it’s one of my many favorites 