
          	(it's been a few hours since it started for me... but whatever!)


@bloody_mari134 It hasn't started for me yet! But thank you!


Where is the tag page thingy at ? I saw that I was tagged but can’t find where I was tagged . 


@donnietmntlover I had to make a few changes in it. It's posted now! ^-^


          (it's been a few hours since it started for me... but whatever!)


@bloody_mari134 It hasn't started for me yet! But thank you!


You have been chosen to be showered with love, so enjoy!
          Now post this to everyone's wall, who you think deserves the world.
          If you get:
          1 back: you're loved
          2 back: you're popular
          3 back: you're one of the most loveable people out there
          9 back: wow I'm jealous
          Don't break this chain unless you want to break someones heart.


@Mynameiscoolcat342 Okay. Then I guess I'll have to wait a while for that to happen. Thanks for the info <3


this message may be offensive
I'm, like, such a sly bitch! I don't care if anyone calls me a fox, a snake or anything remotely similar! I did a great, bitchy, thing just now. So it's almost 4 AM and my bro is usually asleep by 2. And I can't help but notice that he's been awake for so long. I ask him if he took his meds, amd true to my suspicion, he hadn't. Despite our mom reluctantly yelling at him every damn day to set a f*cking alarm so she doesn't have to remind him. She did remind him today as well. He just forgot. Those pills help him sleep btw. Soooooo he takes the pills and tells me to keep my mouth shut. I, being the amazing bitch that I am, tell him that he should buy me a coffee in exchange of the secret that could get him into SEVERE trouble. And yeah…so now I'll get free coffee in the morning that he said was worth the price. I won't even have to put any effort in it! I love my bitchy nature so f*cking much!!


This is pure Remy vibes and I love it


Heyyyy. I just proved to myself exactly how worthless I can be and reminded myself of all my nonexistent talents and skill and my never-ending laziness. I'm.......... Miserable..... And it's all because I ruined two cakes that could've been perfect if I let my mom bake it like she was supposed to. Everything suuuuuucks!


@Poly_and_Proud Heyyyy!!!!! The new Asides episode is due out on SATURDAY!!! And I can't waiiiitttttt- I wonder if Janus is gonna be there! Considering he wasn't in the latest Asides episode. And Tomathy didn't say he wasn't. Just that a Side who wasn't in the last episode (most likely Virgil) is gonna be there. I do miss Remus ngl, but like, Thomas can do what he gotta do. I am SO EXCITED! Eeeeeek!


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Also it'll take a shit ton of patience to get through to her. It's near impossible to convice someone out of a mindset they've been in for a while. How 'bout you set a schedule? Like,,, Later... After you've occupied her with other stuff. Talk about what time of what day of what week you're available. (as in,,, "How about we talk at 2 PM at Saturday" .. somethin' like that.)
            Again. It'll take a whole LOT of patience. Hamg in there! 
            You cab also introduce her to different shows amd animes!! She-Ra! Owl House! (Fairy Tail has a lotta angst later so maybe recommend it after she's gotten better? Cuz I LOVE the shit!!!) I dunno there's many shows in this world to help us escape the despair induced cluches of reality. Maybe you can introduce her to me? I can help ease the process. Two heads are better than ine right? And it'll help you make some time for yourself as well. I just hope I can keep up to the 17 minutes thing. Cuz my mom's gonna lose it..
            Anyways! Here's news. My bro brought me a Knife thingy from the tour!! It's black!!! I love it! I forgot what they're called.. It's not a pocket knife. Something similar. So yea! I'm kinda happy I guess? Maybe? I woke up a few hours ago so my mood is flexible... yea-
            Best of luck in your honorable endeavours, my dear friend! <3


@Poly_and_Proud well damn. That sounds like a lot. Well.... maybe give her a little time? Telling her that "chatting with her has a negative effect" is a complete no-no! Try coaxing her into believing that it's not their fault a side is sad. The sides are fictional characters. And it's either Thomas or an author who decides how tye characters feel. And say it sweetly. Not sickingly sweet, but sweet enough. Keep at it for a while and hopefully she'll eventually get it! 
            Recommend a few lighthearted fics to them? Minus the angst. It's hard to find any but it may help. That way not only will they be distracted, you'll have some time for yourself (and/or your girlfriend?? idk). I'll try looking up some fics without angst. And see what I can do. 


Ya sooo. My homophobic dad is gonna watch Beauty and the Beast... THE MOVIE! With me and my bro (and my mom) there. Me and my bro already watched it but our dad has no clue what's to come. I'm scared of what his reaction to Lefou would be....
          Pray for meh-


That's good! Both of those movies: 10/10 would recommend


Luckily my dad didn't get to watch it yesterday. He got sidetracked. We ended up watching Princess and the Frog, though he left not even half the movie later. And well, I watched Mulan after that and today I planted the idea of watching that. So I'm in the safe zone for now


@bloody_mari134 IDK if Lefou actually says outright that he's gay(though it's obvious) so you could use that to your advantage maybe. (Unless I'm too late)


Heyyyyy. If anyone's there...... I'm borrrrrrrrrrred! Someone talk to mehhhhh or Imma spam your notifs


Lol. Welp you're in for a ride because I have them! 
            Okee so there's:
            Raven, my Sanity. Name based off of Ravenclaw (my house). Raven uses she/her pronouns. She's not completely like Logan, she uses slang a lot.
            Marion, my fears, anxiety, paranoi and stuff. He's, ofc, the emo. And snarky, and salty, and sarcastic (techincally i'm sarcastic all over. all of them are sarcastic but Marion exceeds in that category). Basically everything I wish I was. I laugh at everything so it's hard to be bitter all the time.
            Kristal, my heart I guess. They and she pronouns. They're, like, insane. That's the one way to describe them. They're also like Remus.
            Maryam, my fake personalities, my facades and everything. She's cool. She helps in social crap *shivers*. 
            Florian, my creativity. He's pretty shy. He's a prince. Usually keeps to himself, but talks a lot when given the chance (like me). And he's really adorable!
            And finally.... Akuma. I used to use It pronouns, but I decided on He/Him. He does'nt have a physical appearance. He's just a voice. That voice that tells you how worthless you are and shiz. Not as pleasant but I got used to him.
            That's all. Sorry in advance for rantin' for that long XP


My head hurts like hell right now and the only coping mechanism I cam think of is banging it on a wall or something real hard *facepalms*


@bloody_mari134 i mannaged to control myself just a bit to not do that. Tho I did bump my head one time it wasn't that hard lol