
this message may be offensive
Keeping my promise, I completed the chapter. So here's the official notice for you all (is anyone even reading this? Damn boi I am being sooooo heavily ignored.) 
          	Chapter 16 of Lieutenant Bitch and Captain Asshole has been successfully uploaded.
          	Time to partaaaay!!


this message may be offensive
Keeping my promise, I completed the chapter. So here's the official notice for you all (is anyone even reading this? Damn boi I am being sooooo heavily ignored.) 
          Chapter 16 of Lieutenant Bitch and Captain Asshole has been successfully uploaded.
          Time to partaaaay!!


Dearest friends,
              A new book out for all the poetry lovers and great thinkers out there. Check out "A Winter So Long" by us (Pranksteen Arr, basically). We'll be highly grateful if you left some reviews.
          Thanking You,
          Yours sincerely,