"I'm not working today. I'm staying in my room and watching disney movies.. then cry during the musical moments."
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"I'm not working today. I'm staying in my room and watching disney movies.. then cry during the musical moments."
"I'm not working today. I'm staying in my room and watching disney movies.. then cry during the musical moments."
I hope you're not trying to follow without me knowing.. because I /know/ you're there.
"Call me what you want to.. it won't hurt my feelings any." Perhaps that was because he hardly had any feelings to begin with. He was almost completely heartless at this point. With a heart as empty as his wooden body. If he was called a terrorist, it would make no difference to him. Inside Hiruko, Sasori gave a slight tilt of his own head, even though Risotto wouldn't be able to see it. He was still and quiet, watching with no expression as suffered some from the poison. Even if he stopped it's spread and got the poisoned blood out, he was bound to suffer still. Perhaps it wouldn't kill him, but he was going to have an awful day. Maybe even two or three. "I have a good guess as to who sent you.. and if it was that /snake/, well, I'm definitely not going to let you just kill me. I still have to kill /him/, after all." He stated lowly. Sasori despised his old partner for being a traitor. He was loyal to the Akatsuki and so, for them, he was still planning on going after and killing Orochimaru for what he did. Slowly, the man started to move away and turn more in the way he'd been going before this... /meeting/. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere more important I need to be. I hate to keep people waiting. Besides, I don't want that idiot coming back here to find me. So, I'm guessing this is goodbye, for now anyways."
@artsempiternal Risotto didn't say. As to his word as an assassin if caught would not give away the name of his imployer. He caught on quick. Pretty obvious considering this man managed to make himself into a living puppet. Taking a deep breath he attempted to straighten his leg yet failed to. The poison was strong. It was good at paralyzing the muscle and it proved its usefulness on his own body. Yet all the white haired male Gave the puppet was a scowl mixed in with a hard 'tisk'. "Says the terrorist." The akatsuki were far from blooming flowers themselves. They all dressed the same. Willing to put village's in danger to get what they want. Willing go hurt those who get in their way. Risotto was neutral at most. Doing it for money much like a certain Money collector in the akatsuki's ranks. Though unlike for greed he did his job to survive. Through the death's of the akatsuki he could get that life he wanted." People are willing do do anything to uphold secrets. Though. I suppose you already know who it is." He dropped his mask to the floor. Not before a wave of nausea hit him. Keeling over he coughed up whatever he ate earlier which was nothing. Only bile and water spilled from his mouth as he merely let himself fall back down to the ground. He was barely standing anyway. But he knew that Sasori couldn't touch him if he tried. Well..if that were the case. If he were to fire darts at him that would he easy. If he tried to charge him? Easy. But if he did both. That would have been a problem and still could be." As much as I don't trust him. He gave me a job. I remain honorable to that job. You were merely an extra person he laid on the table for me. That's all I'm saying to you."
Risotto was aware of his poison? Of course, his poison and the use of it wasn't a /secret/, but most strangers who weren't too familiar with him didn't really know about it. Just /who/ hired this man? Sasori was relieved to get control of his puppet back, though he was still upset that'd he'd have to stop to repair it later on. The Akatsuki member sighed to himself. That's when he heard the thuds and he watched as.. metal balls fell to the ground? Metal that had been blood just moments before. That was new. Not like any jutsu he'd seen before. Just who /was/ this man? Who was Risotto Nero? "He?" Sasori repeated simply after hearing it uttered. So the person who hired him was a man. It wasn't much insight but he didn't have much else to work with. Staying quiet for a moment, he stared towards the vial the other had in his hands, with his blood and poison. "Yes. That seems to be the case. You made a mistake. Perhaps you'll learn from it next time." His voice was as low and as cranky as ever and he sighed to himself again from inside his puppet armor. "Just who was this man that hired you? From the way you talk, it seems he knew quite a bit about me. I'm guessing we know each other?" The puppet master had a few ideas of who it could possible be. He frowned to himself almost angrily at the thought of one person in particular. "And if you won't say, that's fine. Just make sure you let him know that he's a coward.. sending someone else to kill me instead of coming and facing me himself."
large egg
“I'm... so sorry about my brother, Risotto. Kira just tends to say really dumb shit.” The newest hitman was, frankly, regretting allowing his little brother to meet his capo. 'Goth BDSM elf'? Baron never wanted to die over something as badly as he did now. Personally, he'd never disrespected Risotto. It wasn't even just him respecting him as a superior, or even being intimidated by him. While both of those feelings stood, Baron just respected Risotto as a person. He'd even go as far as to consider everyone there his friends, maybe family. Unfortunately, as he's had to witness, his biological family might not be on the same page on the matter.
@bloodydiscrase “Trust me, I do... I'm really happy my siblings came with me. I love them, I just wish they wouldn't embarrass me like that.” Considering Baron came all the way to Italy with them, to get as far away as possible from the toxicity of the rest of their family, there wasn't any doubt he cared for them more than anything. Being a hitman wasn't even the only job he took. The other jobs were less official, more like little things like dog walking and all that for a bit more cash. Considering the payment issues for this team and the fact he had three siblings to look after, it was pretty necessary. Baron was quiet for a moment, his mouth opening to speak but nothing coming out as his mind was racing around a particular thought- a conversation he had with one of his siblings recently. Not one he enjoyed either. “...My baby brother... Toni said he wanted to join...” His best guess on that? It was less wanting to kill people and more hoping to help make more money by adding his own payment. Why he couldn't just settle for looking at normal jobs was anyone's guess. But the way Baron looked away, the concern in his expression, made it more than clear he was uneasy with it. After all, Toni was the youngest. That was his baby brother. This occupation was risky enough for him, he couldn't imagine working with his siblings... Potentially losing them.
@bIuemondays "I saw no harm in him. Dumb or not he wasn't a threat to us." He said simply as he glanced down at Baron with a stoic look of calmness in his dark red eyes when he spoke. He took no offense to the stupidity of Baron's brother. Hell it wasn't like Baron was the only one to have a sibling in his team of assassins. So he learned to tolerate it. To be patient with thoes who weren't as well focused as some of his team. Formaggio was one out of the many other examples that let him tolerate it. Humming lightly with a sigh he took a sip of tea and placed it on the kitchen counter with a quick turn." Don't sound do ashamed. Be happy you have him." When he was young he lost his sibling. He was more soft with thoes sho had them. He didn't resent them like most would think. Ge suggested them to cherish what they had. And as he said that he picked up a piece of paper to read its contents." You know it's the right thing to do."
Ok. Genuine muse. Drop stuff..? Or cb and specify the mood??
Everything was bloody. All around Hidan was nothing more than the blood of his comrades, leaning his weapon against him he could only hope that the man that he was facing off killed that idiot Tobi but his heart practically stopped at the “I’m ok” coming from the masked Man. Groaning his purple eyes narrowed at the male in front of him. “You couldn’t even kill this idiot? Come on make all our lives easier and put him out of his and our Misery.”
Sad. Day 1,223. I'm still sad I exist. I pray I don't wake up in the morning but here I am sending this. Oh boi.
Oh ok. I'm gonna hide on here for a long time. :,)//
"I have one too many concussions from the door frames."
I have a question? what is a cb and what are they supposed to be used for? all I know that it means “comment below”
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