Oya? A new customer? Hello there!

@bloodyflirts Well, it's none other than the wangsheng funeral parlor! Would you care for a coupon , good sir?
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Oya? A new customer? Hello there!
@bloodyflirts Well, it's none other than the wangsheng funeral parlor! Would you care for a coupon , good sir?
hm … please stay still , yer really warm …
@artisticpartisan ☀︎︎ i promise i won ' t ! ! ' cept for when i get hungry , maybe . hah !
… please stop starin’ at me like that . miss lisa said a dress would suit me . i didn’ have a choice .
* eyes widening at the sudden action , his face was quick to erupt into red tint . why was he suddenly embarrassed ? was it really because of the other ? * ah . ah ?! u - uum , i really doubt that !
@artisticpartisan ☀︎︎ s - sorry . . ☾︎ though he apologized , he couldn ' t take his eyes off kono . if he was honest , he couldn ' t see this guy as just a friend . no , never . he giggled too , soon reaching out and cupping their cheeks . ☽︎ hah ! kono , you could date a million people with looks like yours !
;; WAHAHAH THATS FINE DW ‘ always ’ ? i think that’s a stretch . * he tried to held back soft giggles of his own by placed a hand over his mouth , the compliments may have been too much for them . paying attention to his own appearance now , emerald hues stared directly into a mirror , moving from left to right to see if they were satisfied . * hm … kono knows that . don’ go droolin’ .
don't── don't /touch/ me. get away── LEAVE. 〃 here's ur angst smh it's only short bcs i'm getting ready for work
@awoobites ☀︎︎ h - huh ? ☾︎ erebus pulled his hand away and stumbled back , eyes going wide . what did he do ? was sana upset with him ? he was . . that was . . the first time sana had ever raised his voice at erebus . he had to have messed up , in some way shape or form . had he been gone too often ? with leofric too much ? did sana simply not like him anymore ? why did that change in tone make him tear up ? so many questions raced his mind almost immediately , and he almost whimpered . from the urge to cry , or a sudden fear ? who knows . ☽︎ wh . . what ' s wrong , sana . . ? ; that's okay mine is longer bc im avoiding doing that same thing
careful now … ah . you are … quite tall .
@unknownnparadox ☀︎︎ yes , hehe ! ! isn ' t that normal , though ? say , you look familiar ~ wha ' s your name ?
erebus? would you mind if i .. tried something? you can say no if you don't want to. i wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable. 〃 i did it
@awoobites ☀︎︎ you taste . . nice . ☾︎ was all he could mumble before their lips met again , a soft whine entering their kiss . he was so new to this , too , so he was worried anything he did now could be awkward . he finally just ended their kiss , pulling his hands up to hide his face with a second , slightly louder whine . jeez , what if sana didn ' t like it enough ? ! ☽︎ s - sorry . . did i . . do good ?
[ sana felt this sense of ease wash over his body as erebus seemingly melted against him. he could tell that he wanted to be close, so the werewolf wrapped an arm around erebus' middle in order to hold them and keep them close. the kiss was gentle and slow, sana only briefly pulled back for air before kissing him again, one hand moving into their hair. ]
@awoobites ☀︎︎ you had me scared , though ! i don ' t have to say plea - ☾︎ the kiss silenced him , and he was not mad about it . he melted into this one as well , hands slowly sinking to just rest casually against their chest while the rest of his body pressed into them . not in a lewd way , he just . . wanted to be as close to sana as possible . he felt . . safe , how he was now . ☽︎
… erebus , stay still .
* this only worsened his already redden face — even if he wasn’t the one being touched , he seemed to melt just by looking at the other . * … huh . i - it’s not bad !
@artisticpartisan ☀︎︎ ☾︎ he nuzzled into their hands with a soft laugh , letting his own fall back to his sides . he . . felt awkward suddenly grabbing onto them . ☽︎ kono is red now . bad ?
@bloodyflirts !! * this startled him a little , a small gasp at his hands behind placed back , his own cheeks starting to tint red . * u - uum , y - yeah …
you have hair all over you. that must be a pretty big dog ya got, huh? 〃 no im not referencing sana bcs his beast form definitely doesn't shed no way
like a big human?? wowww he sounds cool!! what's his name? is he back at your house? :0 〃 by just saying it lol
@snakelies ☀︎︎ mm ? ah , d - dunno . . he ' s super big , and playful ! he ' s - ehe . . he ' s almost like a big human ! ; how do i break it to him
mm ya don't have to apologize, i was just lettin' ya know really. but really?? i love dogs!! do ya know what kind they are??
〃 me too
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