
*    restarting the message board and revamping the theme!


you are not my mother.


[ she practically hisses,  pulling away to curl into herself, ]  i have no need for your help.  i'm not a child either,  despite what you seem to think.  


@calavity ,    why do you insist on hurting me so?  [a sigh leaves araceli’s lips as they shake their head in frustration,  words muttered under their breath.]  i’m aware that i’m not your mother but i’m trying to look out for you.  will you please let me?  


here. let me fix it for you. 


/   besitos  :3


[  he steps closer,   allowing himself to get into their space as he quietly acknowledged the dry tears on their cheeks  ]    it’s alright.   i got it.
            [  a hand lifts and gentle fingers tug at the loose strands around the braid,  then running through their hair to brush it out as he kept his voice quiet  ]   what happened,  vod’ika? 


i don’t really know how to dance. 


@jedilone ,    that’s what i’m here for.  [humming gently to the sound of the softly playing music,  their fingertips trail down his arm and down the palm of his hand until eventually their fingers are interlaced. pulling his hand closer, araceli places it against their hip before grabbing the other one and placing it on their other side.  arms sling around his shoulders and they take a step closer to him.]   it’s not rocket science,  just follow my lead.  


you don't need that. how about a kiss instead?


@jedilone ,   that’s not at all what i said.  [but if they said otherwise they’d surely be a liar.  staring up at him through thick lashes,  araceli attempts to grab at the blaster piece again to no avail as he seems to pull it just out of reach.]   not even han is this stubborn.  [araceli huffs out]


@bloomrise,         charming?      i didn’t know you thought of me   / that /   way. [    his brows lift in feign surprise,   earthy hues widening as he locks gaze with their own.   a hint of pink dusting along cheekbones.    the blaster piece kept behind his back,   chin dipped down at them with a sheepish smile    ]      


@jedilone,   you're not as charming as you think you are.   [but the amused smile on their face says otherwise. standing face to face with him, araceli scoffs and their arms remain crossed over their chest. they move closer only to attempt to grab the piece needed to complete the build of their blaster held in his hand behind his back] i'm coming with you whether you like it or not. now hand it over before you really see me angry.  there’s an attempt at sending him a stern look,  but it truly is an empty threat when their eyes stare so softly at him.]


no. i'm not leaving you.


@jedilone ,    they’ll kill you if they find you here.   [looking between the door which echoes the voices of the men after them getting closer and closer as the time ticks away.  pushing luke towards where the crawlspace is located; it’s big enough to fit a singular person,  araceli’s eyes plead with luke to listen to them.]   they won’t harm me,  they need me and you’re wounded and outnumbered.  there’s no time.  please,  luke.  be smart about this.


you should sleep.


@jedilone ,     [deep brown hues watch the droplets of rain pour down from the sky and soak into the ground below.  goosebumps rise onto their arms and they can feel their skin losing its warmth.  but it only takes luke’s touch for it to return beneath his fingers.]   yaotl always said i was easy to read, though i always figured it was because they’ve known me for years.  [humming,  they finally turn their head to look at him.  anxieties and fears on full display and shining through tired irises. exhaling through their nose,  they bring their hand up to cover his own.]   it’s a mess,  too much of a mess to bother you with.  


@bloomrise,     [   chin comes to rest upon kneecaps,   lithe arms encircling his legs as he uses it for pressure for comfort on a sleepless night.   sending another presence join him beside the open window,   the rain pouring down with faint thunder reminding him of battle.   warm brown eyes,   long dark hair  —    a look that he shared,   the haunting of memories.  the past that visited in their own soundless sleep.   luke knew it all too well.    ]      you are not  /very/  convincing.       [     luke decidedly extends his arm outward so that he can lightly grab their forearm,  the gesture meant for reassurance.  calloused digits drawing circles into their skin absentmindedly.    ]    you can talk to me.   i have them too,    nightmares.   


@jedilone,   as should you,  yet here we both are. [chuckles sound from araceli's lips, but only to see cover up the underlying anxiety and shakiness in their tone. ghosts from their past kept them from getting a good nights rest. some nights were easier than others, but this night certainly wasn't one of them. taking deep breaths and exhaling, they attempt shifting away from him in order to conceal their heightened anxiety.[


can i.. gather my thoughts just for a minute?


@unseas ,    [the worlds “be careful” almost slip past araceli’s lips as they watch him prop himself him,  but the last thing they want to be right now is presumptuous.]   i haven’t done anything.  [shaking their head at his thanks]   would you like something for the pain?  you don’t…  seem alright.


@bloomrise     everywhere ..  [ finally succumbing to the fact that he was indeed hurt,  the stranger from worlds away made an  attempt to sit up just enough .  he grunts and hisses, successfully propping one elbow while the other arm had slithered its way around his midriff  .     he squints, trying to make out their figure   ]      i’m ..   alright, really.     —thank you 


@unseas ,   [not convinced at all by his strained words,  they shift themselves to where the sunlight is hitting the back of their head rather than his face.  they proceed to ask him]   where are you wounded?  