၀〄I recently updated My poem book ( now called The Sound of Rain), so you should def check that out!!! Also, I started a new book with banners, gifs, covers, etc. so you should check that out s well!!!〄 ၀
I just read sum I wrote when I was 13 and I am genuinely disgusted like how did i even know what that shii was??! I don't even remember writing it (; ̄ー ̄)
- hey love! Good morning/evening/night depending where you are. How’ve you been? I hope you’ve been well. If you aren’t I’m always here for you <3
“ You can’t go back
an change the
beginning, but
you can start
where you are
an change the ending”
- C.S. Lewis
you're mY staR..my fairy garden..aNd my universe..!! :D
[ @b0ba4mercy ]