
Hey there!
          So I just thought I'd swing by and say thank you so much for voting on my novel PROJECT GEMINI! I really appreciate the support and can only apologise that this is so late too!  I do hope you enjoy the rest of Eva's story, I hope to have chapter eight out by the end of this week if you're interested. Look forward to hearing your thoughts on it! 
          All the best,
          -E.C.Cooledge :) x


            Thanks for the feedback. I'll add it into the second draft. That bit with Dr. Hillary was intended to be a bit chaotic to add to the irrationality of the scene, but you raised some good points. I'll clarify it in the second draft. 
            Gemini is a reference to the star sign. (E.g. Gemini, Aries, Leo, Pisces etc) So because I'm born in June, my star sign is a Gemini. Gemini is quite often represented as the twins which is why it's super important to the book. But in this novel Gemini has a double meaning that'll be hinted towards in the next few chapters. 
            But thanks for voting on the latest chapters btw! Really appreciate it!
            Have a good night! :) 


            Hi! (Again!)
            I found the bit with Dr Hillary kind of confusing, bit I'm pretty sure it's meant to be like that and will be unraveled in time, but there was a lot going on at that particular part of the story so that also explains the confusion, I guess.
            Sorry, I'm kind of hyper because I just spent 4 hours straight writing my health project and I'm kind of sleep deprived. I just have to many things to do! ... School sucks.
            You're a really good writer and right with a lot of detail, and the only thing I have is that when some one is talking, you end it like this:
            It should be ended like this:
            When there is someone sort of detail on the speaker, then it's a comma. Like,
            "Hi," she said.
            The story is really good so far and I look forward to more.
            A quick question, what does Gemini mean?
            It was nice to meet you as well, you seem like a lovely person! ^-^
            Stay Happy E.C.Cooledge,
            (A very tired) Camillia28


            Hello again! 
            Thank you! I'm glad you like the concept. I'm quite glad you told me that you were confused too, which bits confused you? It's only a first draft so anything you can tell me would be much appreciated for the second draft :) 
            No worries! I do try to go around and make sure I thank everyone personally, it'd feel rude if I didn't especially when people vote and comment :) 
            Nice to meet you too by the way! :D 