I am so sorry for not updating... I am not well yet.. and on top of that I have my exams and I started a new job... I am not giving excuses... But please forgive...
@blshipssail You poor thing. Please look after your health. Exams suck and I'm being kind (I really hate exams). Good luck on your new job and try not to stress too much. I'm sure they will love you. I'll wait patiently.
@fantaghiro89 I wish you the very same... May the dawning new year be filled with health, wealth and happiness... May all your dreams come true... Happy New year 2018...
Guys I am going to be unavailable for the next 3 days... Busy with year end stuff.. so double update today... see you all on the 2nd Jan 2018... Have a great New year's Eve and an even better new year!!!... Stay safe and enjoy..
@fantaghiro89 hope 2018 is filled with BL stuff for us to write and read about and less of tragedies like Benxi, Jonghuyn and Chester Bennington... Hope all our celebrities stay strong, happy and most of all healthy...