REAINBOW! This shows that u are beautiful and majestic! Send and spam this to as many ppl u know! ❤️❤️✨✨ Started by: @GroversDAMenchiladas
Reading Lists
Happy New Years Everyone!♡♡♡ Hopefully everyone has a good start to 2024, and continues to have good memories this year. Thank you to every one of you who follow me. Thank you to everyone for being here with me. Thank you and good wishes to you, have an amazing day/night.♡
REAINBOW! This shows that u are beautiful and majestic! Send and spam this to as many ppl u know! ❤️❤️✨✨ Started by: @GroversDAMenchiladas
Wait- your username's BLU3teacup, but your pfp is a green colored eye-
@SlumberInDreams lol yeah, cause my fav color is actually green but my second fav is blue so i did both :)
Happy New Years Everyone!♡♡♡ Hopefully everyone has a good start to 2024, and continues to have good memories this year. Thank you to every one of you who follow me. Thank you to everyone for being here with me. Thank you and good wishes to you, have an amazing day/night.♡
Heyyyyyyyyyy so, I am currently going through a crisis. It being the fact that my notes app was... deleted. All of my former and current stories or ideas have gone into oblivion and will probably never appear again. I have been on the verge of tears these past two days after realizing what happened from my own mistake of not paying attention. If anything, please send prayers from any religion to somehow retrieve them.♡ I really wish I had paid more attention and didn't lose absolutely everything. And that I screen shot everything or written it down like I had planned, but no. Revised chapters from my sad attempt for a Harry Potter book, new short stories that I haven't finished, and ideas for new ones. All gone. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to delete the app. Me being an inattentive person caused you readers and friends to be deprived of material you may or may not have known about. I'm sorry. (I'm going to try to remember the latest HP story I had been brainstorming about and rewrite -on paper- what I had down already.)♡ Have a lovely day/night.♡♡♡
@Wickedpixie13 @the_glowy_bookworm Thank you!♡ I'd meant to reply to everyone at the same time but it looks like yours didn't show up when I did the first reply to everyone. Thank you so much!♡♡
@Firepotter389O It looks like I'm going to need a laptop/computer, which I don't have. I'll have to borrow one from either of my brothers. So I'll come back later to share if it worked or not when I can get it done. Thank you so much for the help!♡
@Firepotter389O @yunkoyade @EsmeraldaDryden @Ginnivee Thank you, all of you. Your words and care are helping a lot. Losing progress in a dumb way is insanely disheartening. But thank you for the virtual hugs♡, and the prayers♡. I'll try the link out and see how it goes. Thank you all so much!♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
So I let my mother borrow my phone for something and she accidentally pressed on a Wattpad notification and opened it up. The last count was 5.5k, which is amazing. (I like seeing how high the number gets from not opening the notifs.) To everyone who has yet to get a response from me from the past few months because of this... I'm so sorry for the inconvenience that is myself. I appreciate all the people's who have followed me since the last time I mentioned it. Thank you, I feel honored by your choice. I've been busy with home life and all that, so I do apologize for not having posted anything recently for literally anything that wasn't the cereal opinion one shot(??) I did a little while ago. ☆ I've decided to try out proofreading for work. So like if you need someone... hey, hi, hello. I need to practice, so if you have something small I can help with by proofreading then I'm ya friend♡♡. I don't have a website nor any other place to do this besides Wattpad, my notes app, and possibly Word doc. If I can borrow my bro's laptop, so please be patient.♡ Also, I appreciate you all, and thank you for being here on this plane of existence with me.♡ Have a lovely day/night!♡♡♡
@blu3teacup I’m ridiculously glad I’m not the only one who uses the Notes App for stories. Thank you for accidentally making my day :)))
I just love ur pfp sm
@EsmeraldaDryden Aw, thank you!♡♡♡ I think your pfp is super cute! I know it's like anime, but I don't know what it's from. Either way, super adorable, reminds me of little red riding hood.♡
why do i see you in every tomarry story
@Aegoromantic_Idi0t lol, friend, I have a ship list and it's a long one. Tomarry just happens to be in my top ten ♡. Pleasant reading to you my friend!♡♡♡
your literally in every fic i read
Hello again so soon everyone!♡ I posted artwork of mine to my Instagram ( @blu3teacup ) and I'd like for anyone interested to check it out. It's artwork of @Freyed-Apart 's works, the "Luin the Blue" trilogy. The lovechild of Luin and Legolas. The first one took me 8.5 hours to complete, and the second of a younger Lune and baby Soleil took me 10.49 hours to draw and color in with flat colors (it has colored lines but is does not have the 'perfect' lines I like to have for my finished pieces, it also doesn't have shading, blush, shadow depth, or even the colored shadow i3 like adding for fun. Its pretty much a colored in sketch piece.) I hope ya'll don't mind the mpreg Luin I added in, I just thought it'd be cute to see him have his own kids with the help of magic. The post glitched or something because the words I'd written with the post disappeared and I had to add them in after in the comments, so sorry about that. Thank you to everyone here, have a lovely day/night!♡♡♡
@EsmeraldaDryden I tested it to make sure it worked, but if it still doesn't, sorry. I really hope it does though cause I love sharing my artwork, sparse as it is.♡
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