Hey noticed your recent activity and I wanted to personally thank you for taking some time to check out my content, I truly appreciate every read and vote. Thank you!
thank you for following and voting for Hybrid! Hope you continue to enjoy and please feel free to tell me what you think, and update should be coming soon!
@onceeuponalife yeah the part about the herotaur looking human was a little obvious to go along with them talking about his mom falling in love with a creature but you would have to be paying a little attention to the other chapters at the time you read the minotaur part or you won't get it and yeah I have faith between the two they can do anything anxiously waiting for more updates
@blue1eyedgold1dragon ah crap did i make that too obvious?? ehh, I probably did lol, don't tell anyone ;P and yes, with Fletcher with him they will defeat all evil *triumphant pose of goodness*