IM SEEING OUR BOYS ON BOTH DATES IN LONDON AHHH ~ as much as it was stressful, I *only* spent £90 on day 1, second tier seated ( in east corner) and £150 on day 2, first tier seated (west side, near the middle).. thought it'd be so much more expensive.
@sashawitwicky AHH yaayy! The husband didn't want to come this time, so going solo both days
also, I thought it was going to be crazy expensive too!!! I was waaay under budget. would’ve spent more but like I said, my friends are going and couldn’t possibly ask them to drop as much as I planned to. Cannot wait to see them and very happy that you get to enjoy again!
and YOU THOUGHT YOU WOULDNT SEE THEM IN A WHILE!!! I’m seeing them too!!! first time. also dragging my non K-pop girlies so I can convert them ;) going to be great!!!