So if anyone looks at the history of my profile, they’ll notice a lot of Phan content. I even have a one shot book. Not only have I drifted away from their content in recent years (although I’m not all the interested in D&P anymore I am still so PROUD of Dan for his eloquence and courage), but I also don’t approve of writing Phanfiction anymore and have not in a long time. My only reason for keeping my Phan book is that the only chapter I have left for the public is urging each and every person who reads it to stop making and encouraging fan fiction about real people. In light of recent developments, I would especially like to urge people to not take this as proof that it is okay to write these works and invade people’s privacy. This is not your fantasy coming to life and this is not a conspiracy turning out to be true. This is someone’s life. This is something that was made so incredibly difficult and terrifying because people were perverting the very foundation of their relationship and it is disgusting, and not to mention creepy. I know there are very many young, naive fans out there, but there are a great many more than have been around for a long while and are far too old to get a free pass to treat people like this. This is not the price of fame. This isn’t even normal for a fandom and it doesn’t happen with the same intensity that it ALWAYS has with D&P for other celebrities. This is the time to prove that you truly care about them as people and respect that their private lives are not for you to speculate and fantasize about. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.