

It is said that a website named 4Chan is going to try to hack Wattpad.4Chan is a website that makes people suicidal or even hurt themselves.I have been told that they may hack into your account and post inappropriate chapters to your books.Please tell everyone that you know about this situation.Please I beg of you,please try to help the situation.To all of my followers that write books.Please try to post a chapter letting your readers know about the situation.Thank you for reading.I'll read you guys later.And please be aware,I don't want anything bad to happen to anyone or to be hurt if something were to happen.If anything bad happens on yours or my account,I apologise.


But I can't let that happen because I have a future and a promise that I must follow and I just have to roll with the punches and overcome it because someday I know that I am going to be happy I know that I am going to be successful and I might not see the point now but I will sooner or I hope because I have to set my mind even if tricking it into focusing on my goals and dreams and everything that I want to accomplish before I die young middle-aged or old but I just don't know but I just needed to get that off my chest.
          Thank You.


Hey everyone I am taking the time to announce that I am taking a break from everything including writing I am fighting a losing battle and I don't feel the strength  to win it and I feel like I'm going crazy and losing my sanity and am on the brick of losing my mind and doing something I am going to regret and I'm just having problems with everything I don't see what's the point of getting up everyday just to put a fake big smile on my face and say that I am okay when I am not and I know that I need help I know that I need to find a way to be okay but I can't and I'm to my breaking point and I just want darkness to engulf me with open arms.