
Hi again...
          	I haven't written anything in like a year and I might have forgotten the plot I was planning...
          	I do intend to finish the story someday when my life isn't a mess lmao.
          	I loved the idea a year ago and I still love the characters !  
          	Bye everybody. <3


Hi again...
          I haven't written anything in like a year and I might have forgotten the plot I was planning...
          I do intend to finish the story someday when my life isn't a mess lmao.
          I loved the idea a year ago and I still love the characters !  
          Bye everybody. <3


          It's been a while ...
          The past few months have been hell. I haven't had much motivation to write at all. I was just in a really toxic environment. This is a reminder to everyone that it's okay to leave a place if it will make your mental health better.
          I'll start writing again, don't worry :) 
          Love you guys<3
          And Thanks for having patience with me.


          I know I haven't written in a while, I'm still alive don't worry. These past few weeks have just been really emotionally and physically draining. I'll set a reminder to write this weekend. 
          Maybe you'll finally get to know Allie a little better.
          Anyway  byeeeeeeeeeeeee<3


Hi guys! I'm writing this story for a bit of fun. 
          Please do tell me what you think in the comments. Feedback is always amazing to hear. I'll be posting 2 chapters after one another maybe like once or twice in a week. I have a lot planned for this story and I think it'll have a great outcome!
           I am busy writing the second chapter for today but I'll definitely post it today<3